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Participant Swing into Suspension Yoga
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Getting acquainted with Suspension Yoga sling!
Yogi gym overview part 1 (3:07)
Yogi gym overview part 2 (6:50)
Sitting safely in sling! (1:17)
Warm up poses
Lying Neutral Pelvis (4:07)
Seated Pelvis (2:36)
BALASANA /Child's Pose (2:59)
Trunk Sway (3:21)
Seated Twist (4:46)
ROLLING BALASANA/Rolling Childs pose (2:18)
Standing Pelvis neutral (3:01)
Hamstring w/u (6:22)
Per Asana
Attunement (3:50)
Bridge pose (3:47)
Seated twist (4:46)
4 point (1:21)
VRKSASANA/Tree (6:07)
Lunge (7:39)
Full Inversion (2:49)
Building Strength
Abdominal strength curl (1:34)
Plank to hand stand prep (2:19)
One legged Hand stand (1:24)
Short Sequence Asanas
Cat cow to 4 point (3:43)
Hip opener (14:11)
Thoracic back bend, chair, warrior 3 (5:42)
Down Dog to Skyward Dog (3:37)
Seated staff, flying yogi (4:29)
lying to vault (1:23)
Moving into longer sequences
Computer filmed 1 hr (60:31)
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